zola emile the ladies’ paradise

Zola Emile The Ladies’ Paradise

Zola Emile The Ladies’ Paradise


Encapsulating in luxurious detail the phenomenon of consumer society ? obsessed with image, fashion and instant gratification ? The Ladies’ Paradise vividly depicts the workings of a new commercial entity, the department store. The novel centres around the story of Denise, a young shopgirl from the provinces, and Octave Mouret, the dashing young director of a shopping emporium, who find themselves torn between the conflicting forces of love, loyalty and ambition. Set in the heart of the city, Zola’s novel – the eleventh in his Rougon-Macquart series – evokes the giddy pace of Paris’s transition into a modern city and the changes in sexual attitudes and class relations taking place during the second half of the nineteenth century.

2223 Руб.

Zola Emile Au Bonheur des Dames (The Ladies' Delight)

Zola Emile Au Bonheur des Dames (The Ladies' Delight)


The Ladies' Delight is the glittering Paris department store run by Octave Mouret. He has used charm and drive to become director of this mighty emporium, unscrupulously exploiting his young female staff and seducing his lady customers with luxurious displays of shimmering silks, satins, velvets and lace. Then Denise Baudu, a naive provincial girl, becomes an assistant at the store - and Mouret discovers that he in turn can also be enchanted. With its greedy customers, gossiping staff and vibrant sense of theatre, The Ladies' Delight (Au Bonheur des Dames in the original French) is one of the most richly exciting novels in Zola's Les Rougon-Macquart cycle. This edition also contains a bibliography, introduction, chronology and explanatory notes. Emile Zola (1840-1902) was the leading figure in the French school of naturalistic fiction. His principal work, Les Rougon-Macquart, is a panorama of mid-19th century French life, in a cycle of 20 novels which Zola wrote over a period of 22 years, including Au Bonheur des Dames (1883), The Beast Within (1890), Nana (1880), and The Drinking Den (1877).

2179 Руб.

Zola Emile The Dream

Zola Emile The Dream


Finding the young Angelique on their doorstep one Christmas Eve, the pious Hubert couple decide to bring her up as their own. As the girl grows up in the vicinity of the town’s towering cathedral and learns her parents’ trade of embroidery, she becomes increasingly fascinated by the lives of the saints, a passion fuelled by her reading of the Golden Legend and other mystical Christian writings. One day love, in the shape of Felicien Hautecoeur, enters the dream world she has constructed around herself, bringing about upheaval and distress. Although it provides a detailed portrait of provincial nineteenth-century life and adheres to a naturalist approach, The Dream eschews many of the characteristics of Zola’s other novels of the Rougon-Macquart cycle – such as a pronounced polemical agenda or a gritty subject matter – offering instead a timeless, lyrical tale of love and innocence.

2223 Руб.

Zola E. Le Ventre de Paris

Zola E. Le Ventre de Paris


"Le Ventre de Paris" Emile Zola.

575 Руб.

Zola E. Le Ventre de Paris

Zola E. Le Ventre de Paris


"Le Ventre de Paris" Emile Zola.

575 Руб.

Zola Emile The Drinking Den

Zola Emile The Drinking Den


Previously published as L'assommoir (The Dram Shop), Emile Zola's The Drinking Den is an unflinching study of a desperate young woman struggling against the ravages of vice. This Penguin Classics edition is translated from the French with an introduction by Robin Buss. Abandoned by her lover and left to bring up their two children alone, Gervaise Macquart has to fight to earn an honest living. When she accepts the marriage proposal of Monsieur Coupeau, it seems as though she is on the path to a decent, respectable life at last. But with her husband's drinking and the unexpected appearance of a figure from her past, Gervaise's plans begin to unravel tragically. The Drinking Den caused a sensation when it was first published, with its gritty depiction of the poverty and squalor, slums and drinking houses of the Parisian underclass. The seventh novel in Zola's great Rougon-Macquart cycle, it was the work that made his reputation. And, in his moving portrayal of Gervaise's struggle for happiness, Zola created one of the most sympathetic heroines in nineteenth-century literature. Robin Buss's translation renders Zola's street argot into clear, contemporary English. This edition also includes an introduction discussing Zola's Naturalistic method, with maps of Paris, Zola's preface responding to his critics, notes, a chronology and further reading. Emile Zola (1840-1902) was the leading figure in the French school of naturalistic fiction. His principal work, Les Rougon-Macquart, is a panorama of mid-19th century French life, in a cycle of 20 novels which Zola wrote over a period of 22 years, including Au Bonheur des Dames (1883), The Beast Within (1890), Nana (1880), and The Drinking Den (1877).

2419 Руб.

Zola Emile The Beast Within

Zola Emile The Beast Within


His haunting, impressionistic study of a man's slow corruption by jealousy, Emile Zola's The Beast Within (La Bete Humaine) is translated from the French with an introduction and notes by Roger Whitehouse in Penguin Classics. Roubaud is consumed by a jealous rage when he discovers a sordid secret about his young wife's past. The only way he can rest is by forcing her to help him murder the man involved, but there is a witness - Jacques Lantier, a fellow railway employee. Jacques, meanwhile, must contend with his own terrible impulses, for every time he sees a woman he feels the overwhelming desire to kill. In the company of Roubaud's wife, Severine, he finds peace briefly, yet his feelings for her soon bring disasterous consequences. A key work in the Rougon-Macquart cycle, The Beast Within is one of Zola's most dark and violent works - a tense thriller of political corruption and a graphic exploration of the criminal mind. Roger Whitehouse's vivid translation is accompanied by an introduction discussing Zola's depiction of the railways, politics and the legal system and the influence of the studies of criminology and the Jack the Ripper murders on his novel. This edition also includes a chronology, suggestions for further reading and notes. Emile Zola (1840-1902) was the leading figure in the French school of naturalistic fiction. His principal work, Les Rougon-Macquart, is a panorama of mid-19th century French life, in a cycle of 20 novels which Zola wrote over a period of 22 years, including Au Bonheur des Dames (1883), The Beast Within (1890), Nana (1880), and The Drinking Den (1877).

2421 Руб.

Zola Emile Germinal

Zola Emile Germinal


Pour suivre le destin d'Etienne Lantier, Zola visite les bassins houillers, descend dans les puits, etudie Marx et Proudhon, s'informe sur les luttes proletariennes. Mineur a la fosse du Voreux, dans le Nord, Etienne prend pension chez les Maheu, ouvriers de pere en fils. A leurs cotes, il lutte pour leur emancipation et, lorsque la greve eclate, il tente vainement d'organiser la lutte sociale. Mais la faim entraine bientot les mineurs dans la violence et la troupe tire sur les emeutiers. La mine est inondee par l'anarchiste Souvarine. Les consequences seront sanglantes. Etienne echouera, pour reprendre plus tard le combat. Le printemps naissant eveille en lui l'espoir qu'un " Germinal " fera enfin triompher la justice…

925 Руб.

Zola Emile Nana

Zola Emile Nana


Nana Dans le Paris du Second Empire, Nana, jeune prostituee sans scrupule et comedienne sans talent, seduit et ruine un a un les hommes les plus riches qui s'eprennent d'elle. Mais la « Venus blonde », apres une periode de gloire, sombre progressivement dans la misere et la solitude. Dans ce neuvieme volume des Rougon-Macquart, Zola peint, a travers l'ascension puis la chute d'une courtisane, la corruption d'une societe promise a la debacle. ... suivi d'une anthologie sur la figure de la prostituee en litterature L'anthologie interroge les differentes figures de la prostituee a travers l'histoire de la litterature. De la courtisane cupide de l'Antiquite a l'activiste de l'epoque contemporaine, en passant par la libertine des Lumieres et la fille au grand c?ur incarnee par Boule-de-Suif, la prostituee apparait, tour a tour, comme le symbole d'une societe devoyee ou la victime tragique de sa puissance seductrice.

1728 Руб.

Zola Emile Nana

Zola Emile Nana


Born to drunken parents in the slums of Paris, Nana lives in squalor until she is discovered at the Theatre des Varietes. She soon rises from the streets to set the city alight as the most famous high-class prostitute of her day. Rich men, Comtes and Marquises fall at her feet, great ladies try to emulate her appearance, lovers even kill themselves for her. Nana's hedonistic appetite for luxury and decadent pleasures knows no bounds - until, eventually, it consumes her. Nana provoked outrage on its publication in 1880, with its heroine damned as 'the most crude and bestial sort of whore', yes the language of the novel makes Nana almost a mythical figure: a destructive force preying on a corrupt society.

2421 Руб.

Zola Emile Germinal

Zola Emile Germinal


Considered by Andre Gide to be one of the ten greatest novels in the French language, Emile Zola's Germinal is a brutal depiction of the poverty of a mining community in northern France Etienne Lantier, an unemployed railway worker, is a clever but uneducated young man with a dangerous temper. Compelled to take a back-breakin job at Le Voreux mine when he cannot get other work, he discovers that his fellow miners are ill, hungry and in debt, unable to feed and clothe their families. When conditions in the mining community deteriorate even further, Lantier finds himself leading a strike that could mean starvation or salvation for all. The thirteenth novel in Zola's great Rougon-Macquart sequence, Germinal expresses outrage at the exploitation of the many by the few, but also shows humanity's capacity for compassion and hope.

2353 Руб.

Zola Emile Germinal

Zola Emile Germinal


Despite the grimness of his subject and the accuracy of his description, Zola tells an irresistible tale of life above and below ground among the mining families of Montsou. By turns heroic, comic, touching and bestial, the novel never flinches from savage reality while managing to paint a moving picture of humanity at its limit and beyond.

3147 Руб.

Zola Emile L'Assommoir

Zola Emile L'Assommoir


Emile Zola est un grand classique de la litterature francaise du XIXe siecle. "L'Assommoir" est un des plus beaux fl eurons de la litterature mondiale. Des banlieues de Paris du XIXe siecle sont presentees au lecteur sous une lumiere sordide. Accables par les privations, l'heroine principale, Gervaise, et son mari Coupeau cherchent a s'extirper de la misere. Vont-ils y reussir ou c'est le debut de leur degringolade?

1274 Руб.

Zola Emile Germinal

Zola Emile Germinal


Роман "Germinal" ("Жерминаль") известнейшего французского писателя Эмиля Золя - один из документов эпохи - цикла "Ругон-Маркары", являющегося художественным воплощением доктрины натурализма. В книге представлен неадаптированный сокращенный текст на языке оригинала.

344 Руб.

Zola Emile Nana

Zola Emile Nana


Nana tells the story of the rise of the rise of the young woman Nana Coupeau from the slums of Paris to the life of a high-class escort. Considered outrageous when it was first published in 1880, its heroine is a character of questionable morals surrounded by corrupt society. One of the twenty novels in Zola's Rougon-Macquart cycle, Nana plays with her companion's emotions, leading them to ruin, misfortune and even suicide.

1931 Руб.

Zola Emile L'Assommoir

Zola Emile L'Assommoir


LES GRANDS TEXTES DU XIXe SIECLE Enfant battue, boiteuse de naissance et si jolie cependant, enceinte a 14 ans et jetee sur le pave par son amant Lantier, Gervaise epouse Coupeau, l’ouvrier zingueur qui ne tarde pas a s’accidenter et a sombrer dans l’ivrognerie, l’entrainant elle-meme dans la decheance alcoolique. La jeune fille rieuse d’autrefois devient clocharde parmi ce peuple faubourien grouillant de malheur qui se detruit pour oublier sa misere. Possede jusqu’a la folie et a la mort, peint par Zola avec une infinie pitie humaine, le couple s’abandonne au poison de « cette source lente et entetee qui inonde le trou immense de Paris ». En 1877, Zola ecrit L’Assommoir au vitriol, ainsi qu’on designe a l’epoque, dans le quartier de la Goutte d’Or, l’eau-de-vie qui ravage les classes ouvrieres.

951 Руб.

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