tegmark max life 3 0 being human in the age of artificial intelligence

Tegmark Max Life 3.0. Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Tegmark Max Life 3.0. Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence


AI is the future - but what will that future look like? Will superhuman intelligence be our slave, or become our god? Taking us to the heart of the latest thinking about AI, Max Tegmark, the MIT professor whose work has helped mainstream research on how to keep AI beneficial, separates myths from reality, utopias from dystopias, to explore the next phase of our existence. How can we grow our prosperity through automation, without leaving people lacking income or purpose? How can we ensure that future AI systems do what we want without crashing, malfunctioning or getting hacked? Should we fear an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons? Will AI help life flourish as never before, or will machines eventually outsmart us at all tasks, and even, perhaps, replace us altogether?

2249 Руб.

Christian Brian The Most Human Human. What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive

Christian Brian The Most Human Human. What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive


The Most Human Human by Brian Christian is a mind-blowing piece of reportage that will appeal to readers of Jon Ronson's The Psychopath Test, and an inspiring riposte to John Gray's classic Straw Dogs - a book that will change your whole understanding of what being human actually means... AI is on the brink of a new dawn. And so are we... Telling the difference between humans and computers used to be easy. But artificial intelligence is now so advanced that it is capable of behaving, and even thinking, in ways that have long been considered exclusive to humankind. The time has come to rethink what being human actually means... In The Most Human Human Brian Christian meets the world's leading artificial intelligences, finds out what they're capable of - and what makes us unique. The result is a funny, shocking, inspiring, deeply humane and intelligent book that reaches into every aspect of our lives.

3486 Руб.

Гарбук С., Губинский А. Искусственный интеллект в ведущих странах мира: Стратегии развития и военное применение

Гарбук С., Губинский А. Искусственный интеллект в ведущих странах мира: Стратегии развития и военное применение


Искусственный интеллект занимает особое место среди направлений научно-технологического развития. Его особенность заключается в уникальном потенциале, способном изменить не только геополитическое пространство нашей планеты, но и весь характер человеческого бытия. Это перспектива. Пока же, в настоящий момент нашего исторического развития, искусственный интеллект представляет собой набор в различной степени развитых технологий, выполняющих вспомогательные, инструментальные функции. Одним из ключевых направлений развития искусственного интеллекта является его использование в военной сфере. Ведущие страны мира проводят активную работу в этом направлении, разрабатывая собственные стратегии и планы развития искусственного интеллекта. Рассмотрению таких стратегий и планов в контексте военного применения искусственного интеллекта и посвящена настоящая книга. Кроме того, в монографии предложена претендующая на полноту классификация интеллектуальных оборонных задач, основанная на аналогиях искусственного и естественного интеллекта. Книга будет полезна руководителям и специалистам, занимающимся вопросами, связанными с развитием технологий искусственного интеллекта, а также студентам и аспирантам, изучающим данную проблематику. Artificial intelligence occupies a special place among the directions of scientific and technological development. Its feature lies in its unique potential, that can change not only the geopolitical space of our planet, but also the whole nature of human life. This is a perspective. In the meantime, at the present moment of our historical development, artificial intelligence is a set of variously developed technologies that perform auxiliary, instrumental functions. One of the key directions of artificial intelligence development is its use in the military sphere. The leading countries of the world work actively in this direction, developing their own strategies and plans of the development of artificial intelligence. This book is dedicated to the consideration of such strategies and plans in the context of the military use of artificial intelligence. In addition, the monograph proposes a classification of intellectual defense tasks which intended to be exhaustive and based on the analogies of artificial and natural intelligence. This book will be useful to managers and specialists involved in issues which relate to the development of artificial intelligence technologies, as well as to graduate and postgraduate students studying this issue.

1599 Руб.

Гарбук С., Губинский А. Искусственный интеллект в ведущих странах мира: Стратегии развития и военное применение

Гарбук С., Губинский А. Искусственный интеллект в ведущих странах мира: Стратегии развития и военное применение


Искусственный интеллект занимает особое место среди направлений научно-технологического развития. Его особенность заключается в уникальном потенциале, способном изменить не только геополитическое пространство нашей планеты, но и весь характер человеческого бытия. Это перспектива. Пока же, в настоящий момент нашего исторического развития, искусственный интеллект представляет собой набор в различной степени развитых технологий, выполняющих вспомогательные, инструментальные функции. Одним из ключевых направлений развития искусственного интеллекта является его использование в военной сфере. Ведущие страны мира проводят активную работу в этом направлении, разрабатывая собственные стратегии и планы развития искусственного интеллекта. Рассмотрению таких стратегий и планов в контексте военного применения искусственного интеллекта и посвящена настоящая книга. Кроме того, в монографии предложена претендующая на полноту классификация интеллектуальных оборонных задач, основанная на аналогиях искусственного и естественного интеллекта. Книга будет полезна руководителям и специалистам, занимающимся вопросами, связанными с развитием технологий искусственного интеллекта, а также студентам и аспирантам, изучающим данную проблематику. Artificial intelligence occupies a special place among the directions of scientific and technological development. Its feature lies in its unique potential, that can change not only the geopolitical space of our planet, but also the whole nature of human life. This is a perspective. In the meantime, at the present moment of our historical development, artificial intelligence is a set of variously developed technologies that perform auxiliary, instrumental functions. One of the key directions of artificial intelligence development is its use in the military sphere. The leading countries of the world work actively in this direction, developing their own strategies and plans of the development of artificial intelligence. This book is dedicated to the consideration of such strategies and plans in the context of the military use of artificial intelligence. In addition, the monograph proposes a classification of intellectual defense tasks which intended to be exhaustive and based on the analogies of artificial and natural intelligence. This book will be useful to managers and specialists involved in issues which relate to the development of artificial intelligence technologies, as well as to graduate and postgraduate students studying this issue.

1599 Руб.

Applebaum Kirsty Troofriend

Applebaum Kirsty Troofriend


Imagine having the perfect friend, one who never steals, lies or bullies. Now you can, with the TrooFriend 560, the latest in artificial intelligence! What can go wrong with a robot buddy? Especially one that’s developing human characteristics and feelings, and who has just run away with her human? A topical and sinister middle-grade novel about artificial intelligence from the Waterstones Children s Book Prize shortlisted author of The Middler.

1857 Руб.

Bouee Ch.-E. Fall of the Human Empire

Bouee Ch.-E. Fall of the Human Empire


Two trends are coming together: exponential growth in the processing power of supercomputers, and new software which can copy the way neurons in the human brain work and give machines the ability to learn. Smart systems will soon be commonplace in homes, businesses, factories, administrations, hospitals and the armed forces. How autonomous will they be? How free to make decisions? What place will human beings still have in a world controlled by robots? After the atom bomb, is artificial intelligence the second lethal weapon capable of destroying mankind, its inventor? The Fall of the Human Empire traces the little-known history of artificial intelligence from the standpoint of a robot called Lucie. She – or it? – recounts her adventures and reveals the mysteries of her long journey with humans, and provides a thought-provoking storyline of what developments in A.I. may mean for both humans and robots.

1293 Руб.

Bouee Ch.-E. Fall of the Human Empire

Bouee Ch.-E. Fall of the Human Empire


Two trends are coming together: exponential growth in the processing power of supercomputers, and new software which can copy the way neurons in the human brain work and give machines the ability to learn. Smart systems will soon be commonplace in homes, businesses, factories, administrations, hospitals and the armed forces. How autonomous will they be? How free to make decisions? What place will human beings still have in a world controlled by robots? After the atom bomb, is artificial intelligence the second lethal weapon capable of destroying mankind, its inventor? The Fall of the Human Empire traces the little-known history of artificial intelligence from the standpoint of a robot called Lucie. She – or it? – recounts her adventures and reveals the mysteries of her long journey with humans, and provides a thought-provoking storyline of what developments in A.I. may mean for both humans and robots.

1293 Руб.

Mitchell M. Artificial Intelligence

Mitchell M. Artificial Intelligence


A leading computer scientist brings human sense to the AI bubble No recent scientific enterprise has been so alluring, terrifying and filled with extravagant promise and frustrating setbacks as artificial intelligence. Writing with clarity and passion, leading AI researcher Melanie Mitchell offers a captivating account of modern-day artificial intelligence. Flavoured with personal stories and a twist of humour, Artificial Intelligence illuminates the workings of machines that mimic human learning, perception, language, creativity and common sense. Weaving together advances in AI with cognitive science and philosophy, Mitchell probes the extent to which today's 'smart' machines can actually think or understand, and whether AI even requires such elusive human qualities at all. Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans provides readers with an accessible and clear-eyed view of the AI landscape, what the field has actually accomplished, how much further it has to go and what it means for all of our futures.

1186 Руб.

Mitchell M. Artificial Intelligence

Mitchell M. Artificial Intelligence


A leading computer scientist brings human sense to the AI bubble No recent scientific enterprise has been so alluring, terrifying and filled with extravagant promise and frustrating setbacks as artificial intelligence. Writing with clarity and passion, leading AI researcher Melanie Mitchell offers a captivating account of modern-day artificial intelligence. Flavoured with personal stories and a twist of humour, Artificial Intelligence illuminates the workings of machines that mimic human learning, perception, language, creativity and common sense. Weaving together advances in AI with cognitive science and philosophy, Mitchell probes the extent to which today's 'smart' machines can actually think or understand, and whether AI even requires such elusive human qualities at all. Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans provides readers with an accessible and clear-eyed view of the AI landscape, what the field has actually accomplished, how much further it has to go and what it means for all of our futures.

1186 Руб.

Lovelock James Novacene

Lovelock James Novacene


The creator of the Gaia hypothesis and the greatest environmental thinker of our time has produced an astounding new theory about the future of life on Earth. James Lovelock argues that the anthropocene - the age in which humans acquired planetary-scale technologies - is, after three centuries, coming to an end. A new age - the novacene - has already begun. New beings will emerge from existing artificial intelligence systems. They will think 10,000 times faster than we do and will regard us as we now regard plants. The cruel, violent machine takeover imagined by sci-fi writers will not happen: these hyper-intelligent beings will be as dependent on the health of the planet as we are. They will need the planetary cooling system of Gaia to defend from the increasing heat of the sun. Gaia depends on organic life. We will be partners in this project. It is crucial, Lovelock argues, that the intelligence of Earth survives and prospers. We are at present the only beings capable of understanding the cosmos, but he speculates that the novacene could be the beginning of a process that will see intelligence suffusing the entire cosmos. At the age 100, Lovelock has produced the most compelling work of his life.

1146 Руб.

Lovelock James Novacene. The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence

Lovelock James Novacene. The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence


The creator of the Gaia hypothesis and the greatest environmental thinker of our time has produced an astounding new theory about the future of life on Earth. James Lovelock argues that the anthropocene - the age in which humans acquired planetary-scale technologies - is, after three centuries, coming to an end. A new age - the novacene - has already begun. New beings will emerge from existing artificial intelligence systems. They will think 10,000 times faster than we do and will regard us as we now regard plants. The cruel, violent machine takeover imagined by sci-fi writers will not happen: these hyper-intelligent beings will be as dependent on the health of the planet as we are. They will need the planetary cooling system of Gaia to defend from the increasing heat of the sun. Gaia depends on organic life. We will be partners in this project. It is crucial, Lovelock argues, that the intelligence of Earth survives and prospers. We are at present the only beings capable of understanding the cosmos, but he speculates that the novacene could be the beginning of a process that will see intelligence suffusing the entire cosmos. At the age 100, Lovelock has produced the most compelling work of his life.

2790 Руб.

Lovelock James Novacene

Lovelock James Novacene


The creator of the Gaia hypothesis and the greatest environmental thinker of our time has produced an astounding new theory about the future of life on Earth. James Lovelock argues that the anthropocene - the age in which humans acquired planetary-scale technologies - is, after three centuries, coming to an end. A new age - the novacene - has already begun. New beings will emerge from existing artificial intelligence systems. They will think 10,000 times faster than we do and will regard us as we now regard plants. The cruel, violent machine takeover imagined by sci-fi writers will not happen: these hyper-intelligent beings will be as dependent on the health of the planet as we are. They will need the planetary cooling system of Gaia to defend from the increasing heat of the sun. Gaia depends on organic life. We will be partners in this project. It is crucial, Lovelock argues, that the intelligence of Earth survives and prospers. We are at present the only beings capable of understanding the cosmos, but he speculates that the novacene could be the beginning of a process that will see intelligence suffusing the entire cosmos. At the age 100, Lovelock has produced the most compelling work of his life.

1146 Руб.

Bridle James Ways of Being. Beyond Human Intelligence

Bridle James Ways of Being. Beyond Human Intelligence


A mind-bending exploration of non-human intelligence, and how it holds the keys to our continuing life on earth What does it mean to be intelligent? Is it something unique to humans - or do we share it with other beings? Recent years have seen rapid advances in 'artificial' intelligence, which increasingly appears to be something stranger than we ever imagined. At the same time, we are becoming more aware of the other intelligences which have been with us all along, unrecognized. These other beings are the animals, plants, and natural systems that surround us, and are slowly revealing their complexity and knowledge - just as the new technologies we've built are threatening to cause their extinction, and ours. In Ways of Being, writer and artist James Bridle considers the fascinating, uncanny and multiple ways of existing on earth. What can we learn from these other forms of intelligence and personhood, and how can we change our societies to live more equitably with one another and the non-human world? From Greek oracles to octopuses, forests to satellites, Bridle tells a radical new story about ecology, technology and intelligence. We must, they argue, expand our definition of these terms to build a meaningful and free relationship with the non-human, one based on solidarity and cognitive diversity. We have so much to learn, and many worlds to gain.

4844 Руб.

Mitchell Melanie Artificial Intelligence. A Guide for Thinking Humans

Mitchell Melanie Artificial Intelligence. A Guide for Thinking Humans


'If you think you understand AI and all of the related issues, you don't. By the time you finish this exceptionally lucid and riveting book you will breathe more easily and wisely' - Michael Gazzaniga A leading computer scientist brings human sense to the AI bubble No recent scientific enterprise has been so alluring, terrifying and filled with extravagant promise and frustrating setbacks as artificial intelligence. Writing with clarity and passion, leading AI researcher Melanie Mitchell offers a captivating account of modern-day artificial intelligence. Flavoured with personal stories and a twist of humour, Artificial Intelligence illuminates the workings of machines that mimic human learning, perception, language, creativity and common sense. Weaving together advances in AI with cognitive science and philosophy, Mitchell probes the extent to which today's 'smart' machines can actually think or understand, and whether AI even requires such elusive human qualities at all. Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans provides readers with an accessible and clear-eyed view of the AI landscape, what the field has actually accomplished, how much further it has to go and what it means for all of our futures.

2107 Руб.

Bunin I. The Village

Bunin I. The Village


Ivan Bunin's first published work, The Village is a bleak and uncompromising portrayal of rural life in south-west Russia. Set at the time of the 1905 Revolution and centering on episodes in the lives of two peasant brothers - characters sunk so far below the average of intelligence as to be scarcely human - it reveals the pettiness, violence and ignorance of life on the land.

448 Руб.

The Village

The Village


Ivan Bunin's first published work, The Village is a bleak and uncompromising portrayal of rural life in south-west Russia. Set at the time of the 1905 Revolution and centering on episodes in the lives of two peasant brothers - characters sunk so far below the average of intelligence as to be scarcely human - it reveals the pettiness, violence and ignorance of life on the land.

448 Руб.

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