lewis susan forgive me

Lewis Susan Forgive Me

Lewis Susan Forgive Me


I can’t forgive myself. Not after what I did. Could you? This is Claudia Winters’s last chance for a fresh start. Changing her name and leaving her old life behind, she has fled to the small town of Kesterly with her mother and daughter. Here, she hopes they can be safe for the first time in years. But the past can’t stay hidden forever. And even as Claudia makes new friends and builds a new life, she can’t help feeling it’s all about to catch up with her… Until one disastrous night changes everything forever. Tense, emotional and gripping, Susan Lewis’s latest novel is a spellbinding story of love, family, and the price of forgiveness.

967 Руб.

Lewis S. Forgive Me

Lewis S. Forgive Me


Don't miss the brand-new book from the Sunday Times bestselling author Susan Lewis! I can't forgive myself. Not after what I did. Could you? This is Claudia Winters's last chance for a fresh start. Changing her name and leaving her old life behind, she has fled to the small town of Kesterly with her mother and daughter. Here, she hopes they can be safe for the first time in years. But the past can't stay hidden forever. And even as Claudia makes new friends and builds a new life, she can't help feeling it's all about to catch up with her... Until one disastrous night changes everything forever. Tense, emotional and gripping, Susan Lewis's latest novel is a spellbinding story of love, family, and the price of forgiveness.

767 Руб.

Lewis S. Forgive Me

Lewis S. Forgive Me


Don't miss the brand-new book from the Sunday Times bestselling author Susan Lewis! I can't forgive myself. Not after what I did. Could you? This is Claudia Winters's last chance for a fresh start. Changing her name and leaving her old life behind, she has fled to the small town of Kesterly with her mother and daughter. Here, she hopes they can be safe for the first time in years. But the past can't stay hidden forever. And even as Claudia makes new friends and builds a new life, she can't help feeling it's all about to catch up with her... Until one disastrous night changes everything forever. Tense, emotional and gripping, Susan Lewis's latest novel is a spellbinding story of love, family, and the price of forgiveness.

767 Руб.

Lewis Susan Believe In Me

Lewis Susan Believe In Me


Do you believe in second chances? Leanne and her family have many issues, but they're still family. Their crazy but idyllic home in the rural hamlet of Ash Morley is a place where friends can drop in at will, and outsiders whose lives have been shattered can find shelter. When the opportunity arises to foster a child, ten-year-old Daniel Marks, Leanne is quick to open her doors. But her generosity is about to be put to the ultimate test. Because Daniel's father is in prison for a gruesome murder. Everyone deserves a place to call home, and a family to care for them, but will Ash Morley still be safe once Daniel enters their lives?

2605 Руб.

Lewis Susan Don't Let Me Go

Lewis Susan Don't Let Me Go


Charlotte Nicholls has a secret that haunts her. She and three-year-old Chloe have left their home and friends, and are now building a new life for themselves elsewhere. All Charlotte wants to do is to forget the past, to blot out what went before, and to look only to the future. At last she and Chloe feel safe. Then, suddenly, their nightmare returns, and Charlotte finds she has no power to prevent what comes next . . .

2174 Руб.

Forgive me Father

Forgive me Father

Пр-во: Fulqrum Publishing

Как единственный человек, обладающий полным сознанием, вы начинаете путешествие в поисках ответов и облегчения в этой игре FPS, созданной в характерном стиле ретро-комиксов ужасов прямо из книг Лавкрафта.Помните о своем уровне безумия, который динамически меняется во время игры и дает вам дополнительную силу. Используйте свои активные навыки, которые вы выбираете в зависимости от вашего стиля игры, чтобы бороться с внутренним злом.Исследуйте этот вдохновленный Лавкрафтом мир, полный боковых областей и секретных мест, и раскройте всю историю, чтобы разгадать тайну этого безумного места.Ключевые особенности:Ощущение классического FPS из 90-хТаймлапс-анимации, противники и элементы 2D в 3D среде; аптечки и очки жизни, неперезаряжаемое оружие, бонусы во время динамичных боев с многочисленными противниками.Индивидуальный боевой опытИмея в одной руке Священное Писание, а в другой - оружие, питаемое неизвестным веществом, игрок столкнется с проблемой сохранения человечности. Развитие экипировки и непредсказуемых противников, а также способ их победы зависит от игрока.Динамический уровень безумияВлияние непосредственно на аудиовизуальные впечатления и сам игровой процесс, который увеличивается в зависимости от его размера.Геймплей представлен в стиле комиксов.Рисованная графика, дизайн которой выдержан в характерном стиле комиксов, где любой скриншот из игры может быть частью нового комикса.Настроение прямо из мрачных романов ЛавкрафтаВсе это поддерживается в настроении ужаса, где правда смешивается с безумием, а чувство безнадежности сбивает с толку необходимость найти ответ. Оккультизм и вечное зло.Множество климатических уровней и разнообразный бестиарийРазнообразный мир, полностью созданный вручную, полный интересных врагов, от одержимых жителей до монстров из самых страшных кошмаров.Два героя на выборУ каждого свое уникальное дерево развития. Прочувствуйте историю с точки зрения священника или журналиста.описание контента для взрослыхРазработчики описывают контент так:Эта игра представляет собой стилизованный Лавкрафтовский шутер от первого лица старой школы, действие которого происходит в мире в стиле комиксов с множеством 2D-противников в 3D-среде.Эта игра может содержать контент, не подходящий для всех возрастов: частое насилие или жестокость. Насилие над стилизованными персонажами, похожими на людей.© 2021 1C Entertainment. Developed by BYTE BARREL SP. Z O.O.. All rights reserved.

710 Руб.

Lewis Susan Missing

Lewis Susan Missing


What if your partner just disappeared without a trace? It's an early autumn day like any other as Miles Avery drives his wife, Jacqueline, to the station. Nothing remarkable crops up in conversation, nor do either of them appear anything other than their normal selves. At the station, Jacqueline gets out, takes an overnight bag from the back seat, then turns towards the platforms. This is the last anyone sees of her. Three weeks later, Miles calls the police. Enquiries are made, but there is no evidence of her boarding a train, or even entering the station. Very soon the finger of suspicion starts to turn towards Miles, and as dark secrets from the past begin to merge with those of the present, the great love he has been trying to protect is not only revealed but thrown into terrible jeopardy...

2342 Руб.

Pearse Lesley Forgive Me

Pearse Lesley Forgive Me


Discover the intense and gripping story of a daughter uncovering her mother's secret past from the international bestseller Lesley Pearse Eva's life was secure, until the death of her mother changed everything. For when Flora leaves Eva a London artist's studio in her will, she finds her mother had a secret past. In the studio's attic are Flora's paintings and diaries, and Eva learns her mother was a popular artist in the swinging sixties. Eva's hunt for answers uncovers clues to a shocking crime which led Flora to hide her past. But will discovering the truth destroy Eva's belief in everything she holds dear? And will this journey lead her and those she loves into danger?

3169 Руб.

Forgive Me Father 2

Forgive Me Father 2

Пр-во: Fulqrum Publishing

Вновь отправляйтесь в злобный мир, вдохновленный мифами Г.П. Лавкрафта, где безумие подстерегает на каждом углу. Продолжая историю персонажа Священника из первой части, вы встанете на путь спасения. Как долго вы сможете балансировать на грани здравомыслия? Будут ли прощены ваши грехи или вашу душу поглотит безумие?Ключевые особенности:Отличительные черты мрачного визуального оформления в стиле комиксовМрачная графика, нарисованная от руки, где каждый кадр выглядит как страница из комикса, - одна из основ игры Forgive Me Father, и в сиквеле этот уникальный стиль предстает в новом свете благодаря улучшенным спрайтам, моделям и атмосферным световым эффектам. Приготовьтесь полюбоваться сочными кровавыми эффектами и анимированными потрохами, летящими отовсюду!Погрузитесь в безумиеСражайтесь с кошмарами Лавкрафта, используя широкий спектр оружия. Сражайтесь с множеством разнообразных и грозных врагов, и берегитесь: каждый из них превращается в разные, все более злобные и извращенные формы - легче от этого не станет!Экипируйтесь и сражайтесьОпределите свой стиль игры и соберите самый смертоносный арсенал: на выбор предлагается множество видов оружия, каждый из которых имеет еще более мощные модификации, способные устроить настоящий хаос и обрушить на врага все разрушения. Возьмите на выбор разрушительные дробовики, смертоносные винтовки, взрывные пусковые установки и раскройте весь их потенциал.Приобрести безумные навыкиВсепоглощающее безумие - ваш лучший друг и злейший враг одновременно. Впустите его в себя, обрушьте на врагов абсолютный хаос и получите в награду необыкновенные способности. Примите безумие, используйте его для подпитки новых причудливых способностей и научите ужасы, атакующие ваши чувства, бояться ВАС!Потусторонний саундтрекУдивительно гармоничное сочетание мощных гитарных риффов и энергичных ударных, подчеркивающих мрачную лавкрафтианскую атмосферу. Уничтожайте полчища обезумевших культистов и противостойте невообразимому древнему злу, слушая оригинальный саундтрек, который заставит вас крутить головой несколько часов подряд.описание контента для взрослыхРазработчики описывают контент так:Эта игра представляет собой стилизованный под лавкрафтианский олдскульный FPS в стиле комиксов с большим количеством противников в 3D-окружении.Эта игра может содержать контент, не предназначенный для всех возрастов: Часто встречающееся насилие. Насилие над стилизованными человекоподобными персонажами.© 2023 Fulqrum Publishing Ltd. Developed by Byte Barrel Sp.Z o.o. All rights reserved.

710 Руб.

Lewis Susan The Choice

Lewis Susan The Choice


Sometimes the choice is too hard to bear... Nikki Grant is only twenty-one when she discovers she's pregnant. Despite her parents' disappointment and anger, she welcomes the news with joy. The baby will complete the happy home she shares with the man she adores, Spencer James. Baby Zac arrives and is perfect in every way. And with Spencer's career taking off they are ready to make the big move to London. And then, on a day like any other, Nikki suddenly finds her life turned upside down by tragedy. As she becomes evermore embroiled in a world she cannot escape, the love between Nikki and her son is put to the kind of test no mother should ever have to face...

2174 Руб.

Lewis Susan Home Truths

Lewis Susan Home Truths


How far would you go to keep your family safe? The gripping new page-turner from the Sunday Times bestselling author of One Minute Later Angie Watts used to have everything. A new home. A beloved husband. Three adored children. But Angie’s happy life is shattered when her son Liam falls in with the wrong crowd. And after her son’s bad choices lead to the murder of her husband, it’s up to Angie to hold what’s left of her family together. Her son is missing. Her daughter is looking for help in dangerous places. And Angie is fighting just to keep a roof over their heads. But Angie is a mother. And a mother does anything to protect her children – even when the world is falling apart… If home is where the heart is, what happens when it breaks?

926 Руб.

AUDIO CD Melissa Etheridge - Skin

AUDIO CD Melissa Etheridge - Skin

Пр-во: The Island Def Jam Music Group

Melissa Etheridge - Skin. 1 CD. 1 Lover Please, 2 The Prison, 3 Walking On Water, 4 Down To One, 5 Goodnight, 6 It's Only Me, 7 I Want To Be In Love, 8 Please Forgive Me, 9 The Different, 10 Heal Me

4799 Руб.

Lewis Susan The Lost Hours

Lewis Susan The Lost Hours


A loving marriage… Golden couple Annie and David Crayce have it all. A perfect marriage, three beautiful children and a thriving family business. Life couldn’t be better. Until the unthinkable happens… A long-buried crime… Suddenly, David is the prime suspect of a murder committed twenty years ago. As the police investigate the cold case, so does Annie. But it all comes down to a few lost hours she can’t solve. Now Annie must prove the man she loves is innocent. The clock is ticking…

1814 Руб.

Lewis Susan Who’s Lying Now?

Lewis Susan Who’s Lying Now?


You think you know your neighbours. When Jeannie Symonds vanishes without a trace, her small town is thrown into disarray. You think you know who to trust. Cara Jakes, a trainee investigator, begins to interview Jeannie's friends and neighbours, sure that someone has something to hide. Behind every door is a different story. But how can you separate the truth from the lies?

3025 Руб.

Lewis Susan Who’s Lying Now?

Lewis Susan Who’s Lying Now?


You think you know your neighbours. When Jeannie Symonds vanishes without a trace, her small town is thrown into disarray. You think you know who to trust. Cara Jakes, a trainee investigator, begins to interview Jeannie's friends and neighbours, sure that someone has something to hide. Behind every door is a different story. But how can you separate the truth from the lies?

1685 Руб.

Lewis Susan One Minute Later

Lewis Susan One Minute Later


You think your life is perfect. You think your secrets are safe. You think it’ll always be this way. But your life can change in a heartbeat. With a high-flying job, a beautiful apartment and friends whose lives are as happy as her own, Vivienne Shager is living the dream. Then, on the afternoon of Vivi’s twenty-seventh birthday, one catastrophic minute changes everything. Forced to move back to the small seaside town where she grew up, Vivi remembers the reasons she left. The secrets, lies and questions that now must be answered before it’s too late. But the answers lie in thirty years in the past… Shelley Raynor’s family home, Deerwood Farm, has always been a special place until darkness strikes at its heart. When Vivi’s and Shelley’s worlds begin to entwine, it only takes a moment for the truth to unravel all of their lives. Brilliantly emotional, suspenseful and page-turning, One Minute Later is the stunning new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author, Susan Lewis. Susan Lewis – behind every secret lies a story.

1685 Руб.

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