heller steven all american ads 1900 1919

Heller Steven All American Ads 1900-1919

Heller Steven All American Ads 1900-1919


The dawn of consumerism: when ads were works of art A far cry from the aggressive ads we`ve become used to, American print advertisements from the first two decades of the 20th century were almost shockingly pleasant. Intricately designed and beautifully illustrated, often in the art nouveau style popular at the time, four-color, full-page magazine advertisements were welcome respites from the bland, text-filled pages among which they appeared. Sales pitches were earnest and friendly; beer, for example, was billed as "The Evening Glass of Cheer" and toothpaste was described as "Delicious Ribbon Dental Cream"-perhaps not the catchiest slogans, but they were on to something. The American consumerist boom of the 20th century was just beginning and advertising was getting its sea legs. From motorcars to hair tonics to steamship cruises to Coca-Cola ("After the theatre drink a glass… it relieves fatigue"), America was peddling its wares in style and setting an example of how to advertise in the modern age. This exhaustive compendium of ads from the period-many of which haven`t been seen for over eight decades-is a fascinating reminder of surprisingly simpler times and a rediscovery of a forgotten age in advertising history. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Steven Heller, co-chair of the School of Visual Arts MFA Designer as Author Program, writes the "Visuals" column for the New York Times Book Review, and is the author of 120 books on design, illustration, and satiric art. Издание на английском, французском, японском, испанском и немецком языках.

2892 Руб.

Heller Steven All American Ads 20s

Heller Steven All American Ads 20s


Prohibition made liquor illegal and all the more fun to drink. Speakeasies, luxury cars, women's liberation, bathtub gin and a booming economy kept the country's mood on the up-and-up. Women sheared off their locks and taped their chests, donning flapper dresses and dancing the Charleston until their legs gave out. Gangsters flourished in big cities and gangster movies flourished in Hollywood. It was the roaring twenties in America: a singular time in history, a lull between two world wars and the last gasp before the nation's descent into the Great Depression. Forging the way into the future like a modern ocean liner in a sea of antiquity, advertising in the 20s sought to bring avant-garde into the mainstream—which it did with great success. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Steven Heller, co-chair of the School of Visual Arts MFA Designer as Author Program, writes the "Visuals" column for the New York Times Book Review, and is the author of 120 books on design, illustration, and satiric art. Издание на английском, французском, японском, испанском и немецком языках.

2892 Руб.

Heller Steven All American Ads 80s

Heller Steven All American Ads 80s


With the cold war ebbing, crime and inflation at record levels, and movie star-turned-President Ronald Reagan launching a Star Wars of his own, the 1980s did not seem likely to become one of the most outrageous, flamboyant, and prosperous decades of the 20th century. The "greed is good" mantra on Wall Street spawned the power-dressing, exercise-obsessed "Me Generation" of Yuppies-high on cash, cocaine, and Calvins. The art world enjoyed the influx of capital; computers and video games ruled in the office and at home; and the Rubik`s cube craze swept the nation. Leg warmers were big, shoulder pads were bigger and hair was biggest of all. Whether your heart warms nostalgically at the memory of E.T., marathon Trivial Pursuit sessions, and "The Cosby Show"; if you think "Knight Rider," Alf, and break dancing are totally awesome; or Tiffany, baggy acid wash jeans, and Cabbage Patch Kids make you wanna scream, "gag me with a spoon," this book`s for you. To all those who still hear the echoes of "I want my MTV": All-American Ads of the 80s will leave you ready to reach out and touch someone. So just do it! About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Steven Heller, co-chair of the School of Visual Arts MFA Designer as Author Program, writes the "Visuals" column for the New York Times Book Review, and is the author of 120 books on design, illustration, and satiric art. Издание на английском, французском, японском, испанском и немецком языках.

2892 Руб.

Steven Heller. Mid-Century Ads. 40th Ed.

Steven Heller. Mid-Century Ads. 40th Ed.

Пр-во: Республика

Эта книга, собранная из тысяч изображений, предлагает лучшее из американской печатной рекламы в эпоху «Большой идеи». Смелые и красочные кампании, созданные на пике американского потребительства, рисуют захватывающий портрет 1950-х и 60-х годов, когда опасения по поводу холодной войны уступили место беззаботному капитализму эпохи «Безумцев», основанному на выпивке и сигаретах. Цифровой ремастеринг для оптимального воспроизведения. качество, реклама изобилует четкими шрифтами и цветами, а также сексуальным ощущением возможностей, соблазняя аудиторию покупать все: от оружия до поясов, от автомобилей до зубной пасты, от авиаперелетов до бытовой техники. Эта панорама маркетинга середины века, попеременно поразительная, забавная и вдохновляющая, одновременно является образцом, вызывающим воспоминания, и демонстрацией инноваций в дизайне и рекламного остроумия.Gleaned from thousands of images, this book offers the best of American print advertising in the age of the “Big Idea.” From the height of American consumerism, bold and colorful campaigns paint a fascinating portrait of the 1950s and ’60s, as concerns about the Cold War gave way to the carefree booze-and-cigarettes capitalism of the Mad Men era.Digitally remastered for optimum reproduction quality, the ads burst with crisp fonts and colors, as well as a sexy sense of possibility, beguiling their audience to buy everything from guns to girdles, cars to toothpaste, air travel to home appliances. At turns startling, amusing and inspiring, this panorama of midcentury marketing is at once an evocative period piece and a showcase of design innovation and advertising wit.

3500 Руб.

Steven Heller. 20th Century Alcohol & Tobacco Ads. 40th Ed.

Steven Heller. 20th Century Alcohol & Tobacco Ads. 40th Ed.

Пр-во: Республика

Пороки или добродетели: выпивка и курение предоставили маркетологам продукты, которые можно превратить в визуальные пиршества. В этом пышном сборнике рекламных объявлений мы исследуем, как изображения этих товаров варьировались от элегантных до необычных, показывая, как производители подталкивали своих клиентов на протяжении 20-го века впитывать и вдыхать. Алкогольные и табачные тенденции каждой эпохи с избытком запечатлены страница за страницей, а образы брендов вплетены в американскую популярную культуру настолько эффективно, что почти каждый может узнать таких икон, как Marlboro Man или Spuds MacKenzie, фигуры настолько знакомые, что они могут появляться в рекламе без самого продукта.Другие рекламодатели придумывали умные и подсознательные подходы к продаже своих товаров, что подтвердила чрезвычайно успешная кампания Absolut. Даже врачи внесли свою лепту в извращенную версию пропаганды, засвидетельствовав, что курение успокаивает нервы и успокоит горло, в то же время превознося алкоголь как эликсир, способный принести социальный успех. Наслаждаетесь ли вы этими визуальными удовольствиями или любите вдыхать и погрязать в запретных удовольствиях, вы, безусловно, будете в восторге от этого исследования явно яркой — а иногда и противоречивой — главы в истории рекламы.Vices or virtues: drinking and smoking provided marketers with products to be forged into visual feasts. In this lush compendium of advertisements, we explore how depictions of these commodities spanned from the elegant to the offbeat, revealing how manufacturers prodded their customers throughout the 20th century to imbibe and inhale. Each era’s alcohol and tobacco trends are exuberantly captured page after page, with brand images woven into American popular culture so effectively that almost anyone could identify such icons as the Marlboro Man or Spuds MacKenzie, figures so familiar they could appear in ads without the product itself. Other advertisers devised clever and subliminal approaches to selling their wares, as the wildly successful Absolut campaign confirmed. Even doctors contributed to a perverse version of propaganda, testifying that smoking could calm your nerves and soothe your throat, while hailing liquor as an elixir capable of bringing social success. Whether you savor these visual delights, or enjoy inhaling and wallowing in forbidden pleasures, you will certainly be thrilled by this exploration of a decidedly vibrant—and sometimes controversial—chapter of advertising history.

3500 Руб.

Heimann Jim, Heller Steven 20th Century Alcohol & Tobacco Ads

Heimann Jim, Heller Steven 20th Century Alcohol & Tobacco Ads


Selling the most delicious vices Vices or virtues: drinking and smoking provided marketers with products to be forged into visual feasts. In this lush compendium of advertisements, we explore how depictions of these commodities spanned from the elegant to the offbeat, revealing how manufacturers prodded their customers throughout the 20th century to imbibe and inhale. Each era's alcohol and tobacco trends are exuberantly captured page after page, with brand images woven into American popular culture so effectively that almost anyone could identify such icons as the Marlboro Man or Spuds MacKenzie, figures so familiar they could appear in ads without the product itself. Other advertisers devised clever and subliminal approaches to selling their wares, as the wildly successful Absolut campaign confirmed. Even doctors contributed to a perverse version of propaganda, testifying that smoking could calm your nerves and soothe your throat, while hailing liquor as an elixir capable of bringing social success. Whether you savor these visual delights, or enjoy inhaling and wallowing in forbidden pleasures, you will certainly be thrilled by this exploration of a decidedly vibrant-and sometimes controversial-chapter of advertising history.

4546 Руб.

All-American Ads of the 50s

All-American Ads of the 50s


As McCarthyism swept across the United States and capitalism was king, white America enjoyed a feeling of pride and security that was reflected in advertising. Carelessly flooding society with dangerous misinformation, companies in the 50s promoted everything from vacations in Las Vegas, where guests could watch atomic bombs detonate, to cigarettes as healthy mood-enhancers, promoted by a baby who claims his mother feels better after she smokes a Marlboro.

5698 Руб.

All-american Ads of the 60s

All-american Ads of the 60s


With the consumerist euphoria of the fifties still going strong and the race to the moon at its height, the mood of advertising in the sixties was cheerful, optimistic, and at times, revolutionary. The decade’s ads touted perceived progress-such as tang and instant omelets — "just add water" — while striving to reinforce good old American values.Stars like Sean Connery, Woody Allen, Salvador Dali, and Sammy Davis Jr. endorsed everything from bourbon to handmade suits in an attempt by Madison Avenue to urge Americans to open their wallets and participate in one giant consumer binge. Social change at the end of the era brought psychedelic swirls and liberated women and minorities to a newly conscious public. Keep an eye out for some of the more surprising and controversial ads-such as Tupperware billing its storage container as a "wifesaver."From forgotten cars, to cigarettes to food and much more, this colorful collection of print ads explores the wide, wonderful world of 60s Americana.

5698 Руб.

All-american Ads of the 70s

All-american Ads of the 70s


Both eclipsed and influenced by television, American print ads of the 1970s departed from the bold, graphic forms and subtle messages that were typical of their sixties counterparts. More literal, more in-your-face, 70s ads sought to capture the attention of a public accustomed to blaring, to-the-point TV commercials.All was not lost, though; as ads are a sign of the times, racial and ecological awareness crept into everything from cigarette to car advertisements, reminding Americans that everyday products were hip to the modern age. In an attempt to discover how best to communicate with a mass audience, marketing specialists studied focus groups with furious determination, thus producing such dumbed-down gems as "sisters are different from brothers," the slogan used for an African-American hair product. By the end of the decade, however, print ads had begun to recoup, gaining in originality and creativity as they focused on target audiences through carefully chosen placement in smaller publications.A fascinating study of mass culture dissemination in a post-hippie, television-obsessed nation, this weighty volume delivers an exhaustive and nostalgic overview of 70s advertising.

5698 Руб.

All-american Ads of the 80s

All-american Ads of the 80s


With the cold war ebbing, crime and inflation at record levels, and movie star-turned-President Ronald Reagan launching a Star Wars of his own, the 1980s did not seem likely to become one of the most outrageous, flamboyant, and prosperous decades of the 20th century. The "greed is good" mantra on Wall Street spawned the power-dressing, exercise-obsessed "Me Generation" of Yuppies. The art world enjoyed the influx of capital; computers and video games ruled in the office and at home; and the Rubik's cube craze swept the nation. Leg warmers were big, shoulder pads were bigger and hair was biggest of all.Whether your heart warms nostalgically at the memory of E.T. and marathon Trivial Pursuit sessions; if you think Ghostbusters and break dancing are totally awesome, this book's for you. To all those who still hear the echoes of "I want my MTV": All-American Ads of the 80s will leave you ready to reach out and touch someone. So just do it!

3989 Руб.

All-American Ads of the 50s

All-American Ads of the 50s


As McCarthyism swept across the United States and capitalism was king, white America enjoyed a feeling of pride and security that was reflected in advertising. Carelessly flooding society with dangerous misinformation, companies in the 50s promoted everything from vacations in Las Vegas, where guests could watch atomic bombs detonate, to cigarettes as healthy mood-enhancers, promoted by a baby who claims his mother feels better after she smokes a Marlboro.

5698 Руб.

All-american Ads of the 60s

All-american Ads of the 60s


With the consumerist euphoria of the fifties still going strong and the race to the moon at its height, the mood of advertising in the sixties was cheerful, optimistic, and at times, revolutionary. The decade’s ads touted perceived progress-such as tang and instant omelets — "just add water" — while striving to reinforce good old American values.Stars like Sean Connery, Woody Allen, Salvador Dali, and Sammy Davis Jr. endorsed everything from bourbon to handmade suits in an attempt by Madison Avenue to urge Americans to open their wallets and participate in one giant consumer binge. Social change at the end of the era brought psychedelic swirls and liberated women and minorities to a newly conscious public. Keep an eye out for some of the more surprising and controversial ads-such as Tupperware billing its storage container as a "wifesaver."From forgotten cars, to cigarettes to food and much more, this colorful collection of print ads explores the wide, wonderful world of 60s Americana.

5698 Руб.

All-american Ads of the 70s

All-american Ads of the 70s


Both eclipsed and influenced by television, American print ads of the 1970s departed from the bold, graphic forms and subtle messages that were typical of their sixties counterparts. More literal, more in-your-face, 70s ads sought to capture the attention of a public accustomed to blaring, to-the-point TV commercials.All was not lost, though; as ads are a sign of the times, racial and ecological awareness crept into everything from cigarette to car advertisements, reminding Americans that everyday products were hip to the modern age. In an attempt to discover how best to communicate with a mass audience, marketing specialists studied focus groups with furious determination, thus producing such dumbed-down gems as "sisters are different from brothers," the slogan used for an African-American hair product. By the end of the decade, however, print ads had begun to recoup, gaining in originality and creativity as they focused on target audiences through carefully chosen placement in smaller publications.A fascinating study of mass culture dissemination in a post-hippie, television-obsessed nation, this weighty volume delivers an exhaustive and nostalgic overview of 70s advertising.

5698 Руб.

All-american Ads of the 80s

All-american Ads of the 80s


With the cold war ebbing, crime and inflation at record levels, and movie star-turned-President Ronald Reagan launching a Star Wars of his own, the 1980s did not seem likely to become one of the most outrageous, flamboyant, and prosperous decades of the 20th century. The "greed is good" mantra on Wall Street spawned the power-dressing, exercise-obsessed "Me Generation" of Yuppies. The art world enjoyed the influx of capital; computers and video games ruled in the office and at home; and the Rubik's cube craze swept the nation. Leg warmers were big, shoulder pads were bigger and hair was biggest of all.Whether your heart warms nostalgically at the memory of E.T. and marathon Trivial Pursuit sessions; if you think Ghostbusters and break dancing are totally awesome, this book's for you. To all those who still hear the echoes of "I want my MTV": All-American Ads of the 80s will leave you ready to reach out and touch someone. So just do it!

3989 Руб.

All-American Ads of the 40s

All-American Ads of the 40s


Wartime action and postwar triumph in the advertising of the 1940s At the beginning of the decade, America was at war. Patriotism was an integral part of everyday life, with the sentiment mirrored in advertising. As America emerged victorious out of the darkness of World War II in 1945, the economic boom of the era helped usher in the most dramatic rise in quality of life, excess, and consumerism. The war’s end also brought unprecedented pride and prosperity to the American people, and nothing reflects the new wave of consumerism and progress more than the ads of the time. Spending power dramatically increased in the decade’s second half, with plentiful jobs and higher wages. Because of the new GI Bill, affordable housing was made available to returning war veterans for the first time. People were ready to embrace the idea of the American Dream. The postwar era represented a flood of products and services for every need and occasion, reaching every corner of society. Everything from entertainment to travel and automobiles, alcohol and tobacco, fashion and beauty, and food and beverage was in high demand and within reach. This period opened the floodgates of buying as advertisers sought to meet the needs of a population recovering from years of rationing. This engaging collection edited by Jim Heimann dives into the frenetic, lively, and brilliant era of American life and advertising in the 1940s. Языки издания: English, French, German

6643 Руб.

All-American Ads of the 90s

All-American Ads of the 90s


American advertising in the naughty 1990s From the Los Angeles riots to the Columbine High School massacre, Americans witnessed events and purchased items that reflected the best and worst of the decade. Bill Clinton’s presidency was in jeopardy, the digital age had erupted, and Silicon Valley was affecting everyone on the planet. Meanwhile nudity and sex ruled the pages of magazines, selling everything from haute couture to fragrances and microwave ovens. Nirvana entertained Generation X while the “Greatest Generation” considered purchasing a Probe and something called a Hummer. Super Soakers and the game consoles Game Boy and PlayStation were the new toys, as Super Mario World, Gran Turismo, and Sonic the Hedgehog were warping the minds of young people everywhere. Luxury brands were in demand: shoppers coveted a Gucci bag, a Louis Vuitton tote, a Hermes scarf, or a Prada frock. TWA and Continental Airlines still flew the airways and Volkswagen reimagined the Beetle. It was a decade that seemed safely benign, but was jammed with events and consumption on a grand scale, setting the stage for the 21st century. Featuring six chapters that cover a range of advertising, from food and fashion to entertainment and cars, a Desert Storm’s worth of advertising highlights makes All-American Ads of the ’90s a must-have compendium for every Beanie Babies–collecting, Simpsons-watching, pog-hoarding, and Harry Potter–loving citizen of 1990s consumerism. Языки издания: English, French, German

6643 Руб.

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