hall sarah sudden traveller

Hall Sarah Sudden Traveller

Hall Sarah Sudden Traveller


In Turkish forests or rain-drenched Cumbrian villages, characters walk, drive, dream and fly, trying to reconcile themselves with their journey through life and death. Radical, charged with a transformative, elemental power, each of these stories invites us to stand at the very edge of our possible selves. Includes the story ‘The Grotesques’, winner of the BBC Short Story Award, 2020.

1822 Руб.

Hall Sarah Burntcoat

Hall Sarah Burntcoat


In the bedroom above her immense studio at Burntcoat, the celebrated sculptor Edith Harkness is making her final preparations. The symptoms are well known: her life will draw to an end in the coming days. Downstairs, the studio is a crucible glowing with memories and desire. It was here, when the first lockdown came, that she brought Halit. The lover she barely knew. A presence from another culture. A doorway into a new and feverish world.

1692 Руб.

Hall Sarah Mrs Fox

Hall Sarah Mrs Fox


Faber Stories, a landmark series of individual volumes, presents masters of the short story form at work in a range of genres and styles. Walking ahead of him on the heath, his wife turns to look at him over her shoulder, ‘Topaz eyes glinting. Scorched face. Vixen.’ In language harvested from nature, Sarah Hall tells a story of metamorphosis, of wildness and fecundity, and of a man reaching for reason, who cannot let go of the creature he loves. Bringing together past, present and future in our ninetieth year, Faber Stories is a celebratory compendium of collectable work.

576 Руб.

Hall Sarah Madame Zero

Hall Sarah Madame Zero


Madame Zero is a remarkable collection of dark, sensuous stories set in sometimes conflicting landscapes – rural, industrial, psychological – all of which are hauntingly resonant with dread. Whether set in an apocalyptic storm, a local swimming pool, or a surgical theatre, Sarah Hall’s celebrated stories inhabit a hinterland between the natural and urban, the mundane and surreal, human and animal.

1674 Руб.

Hall Sarah The Wolf Border

Hall Sarah The Wolf Border


For almost a decade Rachel Caine has turned her back on home and worked in Idaho at a reservation for wolves. As one of the few experts in her field she is summoned back to England by the eccentric Earl of Annerdale to help with his plan for re-wilding wolves on his estate in the Lake District. As Rachel attempts a gradual reconciliation with her estranged family, her work with the Earl begins to generate public outrage and the threat of sabotage. Set against a backdrop of Scottish independence and tumultuous power struggles both locally and nationally, The Wolf Border is a novel steeped in wilderness and wildness, both animal and human.

1823 Руб.

Holtby Winifred South Riding

Holtby Winifred South Riding


When Sarah Burton returns to her hometown as headmistress she is full of ambition, determined to create a great school and to inspire her girls to take all they can from life. But in the aftermath of the First World War, the country is in depression and ideals are hard won. Lydia Holly, the scholarship girl from the shacks, is the most brilliant student Sarah has ever taught, but when her mother's health fails, her education must be sacrificed - there is nobody else to care for the children. Robert Carne of Maythorpe Hall stands for everything Sarah despises: his family has farmed the South Riding for generations, their position uncontested. Yet Sarah cannot help being drawn to this proud, haunted - and almost ruined - man. South Riding is a rich, panoramic novel, bringing vividly to life a rural community on the brink of change.

2101 Руб.

Игра Sudden Strike Trilogy для PC, электронный ключ

Игра Sudden Strike Trilogy для PC, электронный ключ

Пр-во: Kalypso Media

Коллекция серии игр Sudden Strike, которая включает:Sudden Strike GoldSudden Strike 2 GoldSudden Strike 3

501 Руб.

Chevalier Tracy, Hadley Tessa, Hall Sarah Reader, I Married Him

Chevalier Tracy, Hadley Tessa, Hall Sarah Reader, I Married Him


A collection of short stories celebrating Charlotte Bronte, published in the year of her bicentenary and stemming from the now immortal words from her great work Jane Eyre. The twenty-one stories in Reader, I Married Him - one of the most celebrated lines in fiction - are inspired by Jane Eyre and shaped by its perennially fascinating themes of love, compromise and self-determination. A bohemian wedding party takes an unexpected turn for the bride and her daughter; a family trip to a Texan waterpark prompts a life-changing decision; Grace Poole defends Bertha Mason and calls the general opinion of Jane Eyre into question. Mr Rochester reveals a long-kept secret in "Reader, She Married Me", and "The Mirror" boldly imagines Jane's married life after the novel ends. A new mother encounters an old lover after her daily swim and inexplicably lies to him, and a fitness instructor teaches teenage boys how to handle a pit bull terrier by telling them Jane Eyre's story. Edited by Tracy Chevalier, this collection brings together some of the finest and most creative voices in fiction today, to celebrate and salute the strength and lasting relevance of Charlotte Bronte's game-changing novel and its beloved narrator.

1685 Руб.

Merker Sarah National Trust Book of Scones. 50 delicious recipes and some curious crumbs of history

Merker Sarah National Trust Book of Scones. 50 delicious recipes and some curious crumbs of history


Sarah Merker brings you 50 scone recipes from the National Trust. History is best enjoyed with a scone, as everyone who’s visited a National Trust house knows. This book brings you the best of both. Scone obsessive Sarah Merker has gathered 50 – yes 50 – scone recipes from National Trust experts around the country. And she’s written a quirky guide to 50 National Trust places to delight and entertain you while you bake or eat those blissful treats. Eccentric owners, strange treasures, obscure facts – it's all here. Whip up a Triple Chocolate scone while you read about the mechanical elephants at Waddesdon Manor. Or savour an Apple & Cinnamon scone while you absorb the dramatic love life of Henry Cecil of Hanbury Hall. Marvel at a Ightham Mote's Grade 1 listed dog kennel while you savour a Cheese, Spring Onion and Bacon scone. 50 of the best scones in history. And 50 of the best places to read about. You’ll never need to leave the kitchen again.

1873 Руб.

Doyle Arthur Conan Sherlock Holmes. The Hound of the Baskervilles

Doyle Arthur Conan Sherlock Holmes. The Hound of the Baskervilles


Arthur Conan Doyle's most famous novel, The Hound of the Baskervilles, heralds the return of Sherlock Holmes after his apparent death in The Final Problem. This masterwork of crime writing expertly fuses suspense and dread with a primal terror of the weird, unfamiliar, and invisible. Set in Devonshire, the lonely moorlands and the imposing Baskerville Hall provide the sinister backdrop over which the daemonic hound casts an ominous shadow over the landscape. The sudden death of Sir Charles Baskerville raises many questions. Could his death be linked to the legend of a hound that has terrorized his family for multiple generations? Only Sherlock Holmes can unravel the mystery...

1108 Руб.

Sudden Strike - Gold

Sudden Strike - Gold

Пр-во: Kalypso Media

В игре Sudden Strike, действие которой происходит во время Второй мировой войны, предлагается революционная стратегия в реальном времени. Командуйте русскими, немецкими, французскими, американскими и британскими армиями в крупномасштабных сражениях, включая городские войны, высадки на берег и воздушные вторжения. Какую бы тактику вы ни выбрали, вы найдете ее в Sudden Strike!Ключевые особенности:До 1000 единиц на сценарий, включая исторически достоверные танки, артиллерию, пехоту и авиациюГигантские карты предлагают беспрецедентную стратегическую глубину и тактический выборРазрушаемая местность, мосты, дома, укрепления и деревьяСтройте укрепления и понтонные мостыСодержит оригинальную классическую стратегию в реальном времени "Sudden Strike", дополнение "Sudden Strike Forever" и набор карт "Total War"Содержит редактор карт

199 Руб.

Sam the Sudden

Sam the Sudden


Romance is combined with first-class detection as Sam Shotter and Kay Derrick relentlessly track down the nefarious Soapy Molloy, Dolly the Dip, Chimp Twist and a loot of two million dollars, lately the property of the New Asiatic Bank and now hidden away in the sleepy suburb of Valley Fields

414 Руб.

Sudden Strike 4

Sudden Strike 4

Пр-во: Kalypso Media Digital Ltd

Артикул: KLYP_4646Жанры: СтратегияЯзык: Русская версияПлатформа: PCДата выхода: 11.08.2017Разработчик: KITE GamesИздатель: Kalypso Media Digital LtdАктивация: SteamДополнительно: Цифровая версияВозрастное ограничение: 16+Для платформы PC (Windows):Оперативная память 6 ГБОперационная система Windows 7 64 bits / Windows 8 64 bits / Windows 10 64 bitsПроцессор Intel Dual-Core 3GHzDirectX 9.0cВидеокарта NVIDIA GeForce 660Жесткий диск 12 ГБЗвуковая карта Совместимая с DirectXВ Sudden Strike 4 вас ждут три масштабные кампании на полях боя Второй мировой войны.Командуя войсками союзников, Германии или СССР, вы поведете в бой более 100 боевых единиц, включая немецкий бомбардировщик Heinkel He 111, советский танк Т-34, британский истребитель Hawker Typhoon и знаменитый немецкий танк Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger.Впервые в серии Sudden Strike вы можете выбрать одного из девяти военачальников, например, Джорджа Паттона или Бернарда Монтгомери. Каждый из них позволит вам по-своему подойти к бою и использовать уникальные способности.Продемонстрируйте свой стратегический опыт в более чем 20 увлекательных сценариях одиночной игры, сложном режиме схватки и соревновательной многопользовательской игре.Пользуйтесь слабыми местами танков, устраивайте засады, отправляйте пехоту занимать здания, добивайтесь преимущества над врагом благодаря искусному размещению войск или наносите разрушительные воздушные удары – найдите свой подход к каждой миссии!Поддержка модов с интеграцией Мастерской Steam.

735 Руб.

Sudden Strike Trilogy

Sudden Strike Trilogy

Пр-во: Kalypso Media Digital Ltd

Артикул: KLYP_4649Жанры: СтратегияЯзык: Русская версияПлатформа: PCДата выхода: 22.05.2017Разработчик: FireglowИздатель: Kalypso Media Digital LtdАктивация: SteamДополнительно: Цифровая версияВозрастное ограничение: 16+Для платформы PC (Windows):Оперативная память 1 ГбОперационная система Windows XP 32 bitsПроцессор 2 GHz Dual Core CPUDirectX 9.0cВидеокарта DirectX 9.0c compliant video card 256MBЖесткий диск 1 ГБЗвуковая карта Совместимая с DirectXКоллекция серии игр Sudden Strike, которая включает:Sudden Strike GoldSudden Strike 2 GoldSudden Strike 3

615 Руб.

Sudden Strike - Gold

Sudden Strike - Gold

Пр-во: Kalypso Media Digital Ltd

Артикул: KLYP_11454Жанры: СтратегияЯзык: Русская версияПлатформа: PCДата выхода: 24.01.2001Разработчик: FireglowИздатель: Kalypso Media Digital LtdАктивация: SteamДополнительно: Цифровая версияВозрастное ограничение: 16+Для платформы PC (Windows):Оперативная память 1 ГбОперационная система Windows XP 32 bitsПроцессор 2 GHz Dual Core CPUDirectX 9.0cВидеокарта DirectX 9.0c compliant video card 256MBЖесткий диск 1 ГБЗвуковая карта Совместимая с DirectXВ игре Sudden Strike, действие которой происходит во время Второй мировой войны, предлагается революционная стратегия в реальном времени. Командуйте русскими, немецкими, французскими, американскими и британскими армиями в крупномасштабных сражениях, включая городские войны, высадки на берег и воздушные вторжения. Какую бы тактику вы ни выбрали, вы найдете ее в Sudden Strike!Ключевые особенности:До 1000 единиц на сценарий, включая исторически достоверные танки, артиллерию, пехоту и авиациюГигантские карты предлагают беспрецедентную стратегическую глубину и тактический выборРазрушаемая местность, мосты, дома, укрепления и деревьяСтройте укрепления и понтонные мостыСодержит оригинальную классическую стратегию в реальном времени "Sudden Strike", дополнение "Sudden Strike Forever" и набор карт "Total War"Содержит редактор карт

244 Руб.

Sam the Sudden

Sam the Sudden


Romance is combined with first-class detection as Sam Shotter and Kay Derrick relentlessly track down the nefarious Soapy Molloy, Dolly the Dip, Chimp Twist and a loot of two million dollars, lately the property of the New Asiatic Bank and now hidden away in the sleepy suburb of Valley Fields

414 Руб.

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