talk to strangers steam pc mac linux регион активации row

NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics (Steam; PC/Mac/Linux; Регион активации ROW)

NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics (Steam; PC/Mac/Linux; Регион активации ROW)

Пр-во: GrabTheGames

NEXT JUMP is a love letter to shmup's [Shoot 'em up or space shooters], read in a slightly different manner: In turn-based battles!Your mission, our mission, is simple:The dragons are fleeing with all our Elixir supply. Stop them! It's a Tactics SHMUP: Take your time and plan your moves! A excellent Coffee break game: Turn-based with fast gameplay. No long waiting time, these turns go by fast! Not only inspired by classic Shmups and Bullet Hells, it’s also influenced by tactical games like Final Fantasy Tactics, Jeanne d’Arc and Roguelikes like FTL and Crypt of the NecroDancer. Each Sector is a Board! Each given “JUMP” represents a new combat board procedurally generated, simulating combat situations only seen in SHMUPs! Pick from 7 playable Ships, all inspired by classic weapons: Ballista, Dagger, Hammer, Staff, Sword, Shield and a Secret one! Equip and Upgrade your ship with different weapons and accessories that change the combat dynamics! Your mission: JUMP! Chase the Dragons and stop them from running away with all that is most sacred to the Bastards by jumping from sector to sector, facing hordes of enemies in turn-based battles! Be a pilot of the Bastards Federation: A group formed by Elves, Humans, Dwarves and Orcs who used to live in peace, sharing their love for all Beverages. Like the classic games of the past, it has a complete MANUAL, accessible within the game!

613 Руб.

Hindsight (Steam; PC/Mac; Регион активации ROW)

Hindsight (Steam; PC/Mac; Регион активации ROW)

Пр-во: Annapurna Interactive

What if the physical objects of everyday life, the possessions we hold close, were actual windows to the past? Peer into distant memories and unseen futures in Hindsight. From the creator of Prune, Hindsight is a narrative exploration game spanning the entirety of a woman's life, from birth to present day, as she tries to make sense of it all. Revisit her childhood home, sort through personal belongings, and step through windows to memories frozen in time.Hindsight asks you to slow down and pay attention to the little things left behind. Piece these things together and shift your viewpoint until you find just the right perspective to pull you deeper into the past. Long forgotten memories and dreams cascade into one another. Linger as long as you wish, but sooner or later you must come back to the present.What will you take with you? And what will you leave behind? © 2022 Joel McDonald LLC. Published by Annapurna Interactive under exclusive license. All rights reserved.

1892 Руб.

Airborne Kingdom (Steam; PC/Mac; Регион активации ROW)

Airborne Kingdom (Steam; PC/Mac; Регион активации ROW)

Пр-во: The Wandering Band LLC

Tales speak of a mythical Airborne Kingdom, a floating metropolis that united all the nations of the world under its banner. One day, it disappeared, leaving its allies alone, and isolated. Decay and decline soon followed, with each left to fend for itself. Aeons later, a spark of hope emerges: A new floating city takes to the skies, to hopefully rekindle the tales of old and unite the struggling people of the world once more. Reconnect them and usher in a new era of harmony and prosperity.Take control of this new sky city and build it up from a fledgling town to a bustling metropolis stretching across the horizon. Roam the skies of the world, seeking out resources and opportunities below, find lost temples and deserted cities, complete quests, and usher in a new era of prosperity in the critically-acclaimed sky city builder, now available on Steam! Construct the sky city, a beacon of hope for the people of the world. Build housing and service buildings, research technologies, and gather resources to sustain its community. Face crucial challenges. Balance air drag with propulsion, lift with mass, and of course, the timid tilt. Attend to the people. Citizens require houses, food, medicine, and assorted creature comforts. Create the infrastructure to meet their needs and take the first steps towards making myth reality once more. Explore a vast, randomized world. Locate raw materials and process them into resources necessary to expand the city and seek out terrain-bound kingdoms to bring into the fold. Aid the struggling ground kingdoms. Complete quests to gain their allegiance, expanding your city's influence and establishing its legacy. Unearth the secrets of the first Airborne Kingdom, exploring the skies and seeking out secret shrines and forgotten ruins, learning its rich history. Build and optimize, explore and help, or just kick back and relax as the floating city makes its way through the sky. Tinker with the city in Creative Mode and create the greatest floating city in history, free from resource limitations or the pressure of time. Enjoy a vibrant art style and calming soundtrack, as you restore serenity to a world in need of hope. Seek out greater heights with previously released DLC content including New Game Plus and a Hard Mode © The Wandering Band LLC & Freedom Games - All Rights Reserved

2862 Руб.

Welcome to ParadiZe (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Welcome to ParadiZe (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Пр-во: Nacon

Welcome to ParadiZe! Do you want your very own zombie companion? A faithful friend that protects you from its peers and accompanies you on all your adventures? At ParadiZe, we make it happen! Here, the zombies do all the dirty work. In the beautiful country of ParadiZe, ingenious survivors are testing a technology that can be used to control the zombies that have overrun the world. Once hacked, they become invaluable allies, even though they are not that smart and sometimes rather unstable.It's not all rosy in ParadiZe, but if you're reasonably clever and handy, maybe you'll manage to survive… A destination with plenty of surprises Explore ParadiZe and meet a colourful cast of extraordinary characters. The unusual flora and fauna will surprise you at every turn. Set out on adventure, in the snow or desert, alone or with your Zombot companions, and feel free to get rid of any pests that try to disturb your stay with us.Fancy an expedition into the wilderness or would you prefer to laze about at your camp? It's your choice, so tailor your stay as you see fit!However, we recommend not getting too close to the locals: they can be somewhat… aggressive. Home sweet home Shortly after arriving, you must build your camp, a cosy little nest that you can gradually upgrade. Comfort is important, but don't forget to set up defences! Add multiple traps and fortifications to repel zombies, which have the bad habit of never leaving you alone.It takes effort to maintain a camp, but if you don't like such menial tasks, don't worry: as we already told you, zombies do all the dirty work here. The more the merrier… You can be a loner during your stay or more sociable.Invite up to three of your friends so they can enjoy this unforgettable experience with you.ParadiZe welcomes everyone with open arms!Well? What are you waiting for? ©2024 Nacon. ©2024 Published by Nacon and developed by Eko Software. All rights reserved.

3184 Руб.

Beholder (Steam; PC/Mac/Linux; Регион активации все страны)

Beholder (Steam; PC/Mac/Linux; Регион активации все страны)

Пр-во: Warm Lamp Games

В этом мрачном тоталитарном будущем жизни людей принадлежат Государству. Репрессивные законы и тотальная слежка пришли на смену свободе, равенству и братству. но всегда есть выбор... Вы – управляющий многоквартирного дома. Но сдача квартир в аренду и забота о квартирантах – всего лишь ширма, скрывающая ваши истинные цели. ВЫ шпионите за жильцами! Ваша задача – установка скрытых видеокамер, прослушка и слежка, тайные обыски квартир и сбор компромата. Ваша цель – пресечение незаконной деятельности и выявление ненадежных граждан. Ваша обязанность – докладывать обо всех обнаруженных нарушениях! КАК ВЫ распорядитесь этой властью? Превратитесь ли в бездушное орудие в руках тоталитарной машины? Или останетесь человеком, способным на сопереживание и сострадание?Отправить донос на главу семейства и разрушить семью? Или позволить ему исправиться, закрыв глаза на противозаконную деятельность? Или решиться на шантаж – возможно, единственный способ приобрести дорогие лекарства для больной дочери? А если следят и за вами? выбор - ЭТО основа нашей игры! Вы познакомитесь с десятками жителей, узнаете об их проблемах и переживаниях, выясните все их тайны. И каждое принимаемое вами решение будет влиять на ход событий, приближая вас к одному из множества вариантов развязки. Каким будет финал? - Решать ВАМ! но У каждого выбора есть последствия!

494 Руб.

Goblin Scourge! (Steam; PC/Mac/Linux; Регион активации все страны)

Goblin Scourge! (Steam; PC/Mac/Linux; Регион активации все страны)

Пр-во: Tin Man Games

This content requires the base game The Warlock of Firetop Mountain in order to play. The Hill Goblins from Firetop Mountain have been unleashed on to Allansia! Three new heroes have entered the mountain and their stories are directly intertwined with the rampaging Goblin Scourge. Wander through the dark caverns and uncover the mysteries of Scarclaw's minions! Three New Heroes! Vignor Firestorm - Son of the revered Magnus Firestorm, Vignor has upheld his father’s name and legacy everywhere he has ventured. The burden to uphold his family name weighs heavily, as Vignor hunts down Scarclaw's Goblin horde who recently ransacked one of his father's homesteads. Revenge will be sweet! Ophelia Lapwing - Born under a full moon in a clearing in Darkwood Forest, there is something strangely ethereal about Ophelia Lapwing. The trees of Darkwood are dying and Ophelia is also suffering from a strange ailment. Can she find answers before it is too late? Haldar Eriksson - Time and again he has found himself in the direst of situations – usually through his own foolhardy behaviour. Haldar must find a famed sword that he stole from an Half-Orc, which was then lost to a Gnome in a game of cards, who was then waylaid by a band of Goblins. Can he find it within the Goblin catacombs?Each adventurer comes with their own special attacks, customized story, and achievements to unlock. The Goblin Gauntlet Oriana has a test for you! She has offered you six of Zagor's finest minions to control. For the first time YOU can control a Giant Rat, Slime Beast, Vampire, Skeleton Warrior, Zombie or Orc Taskmaster. Each monster comes with their own special attacks and you can wander the paths and halls of Firetop Mountain unlocking Souls. Can your minion make it all the way to Zagor? © Tin Man Games Pty Ltd, 2017Fighting Fantasy is a trademark owned by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, all rights reserved.

726 Руб.

Shooting Stars (Steam; Linux, PC, Mac; Регион активации РФ, СНГ)

Shooting Stars (Steam; Linux, PC, Mac; Регион активации РФ, СНГ)

Пр-во: Noodlecake Studios

Эта игра дает ответ на один из самых важных вопросов нашей жизни: «Мона мне лазернава котега?» Да, конечно!Shooting Stars — это необычная, яркая и забавная версия классической аркады, шутера, стрелялки, битвы с инопланетными захватчиками... В общем, игру можно называть как угодно, главное — в ней предостаточно котиков, радужных лазеров и злобных инопланетян в прикиде суперзвезд. Вы увидите таких суперзвезд, как Justin Belieber, PewDerPie, Kanye East, Han so low и многих других.Что-что? Радужные лазеры? Да! Радужные лазеры, чтоб мне провалиться!Shooting Stars — это более 50 видов потрясающего смертоносного оружия и коллекционных предметов. Каждый из них может радикально изменить ваш способ игры. Не бойтесь прибегать к таким атакующим приемам, как Воины-клоны, Агнцы Свободы, Ра-Котомет, Диско Рока, и так далее. Сыгранные вами игры не будут похожи одна на другую. А самое приятное во всем этом: заплатив один раз, можно играть вечно!Спасите Землю, выбрав один из множества режимов игры. Бросайте вызов друзьям на новых, ежедневно генерируемых уровнях, или же играйте в одиночку в скрытном режиме Card Hunt.Shooting Stars — это все, что вам нужно: все самые крутые фишки Интернета и погружение в атмосферу ретро-шутераОсобенности игры: Более 20 боссов-знаменитостей и 16 прекрасных коллекционных карточек Бросайте вызов друзьям, чтобы набрать больше всего очков в глобальных, ежедневных битвах Соберите до 50 смертоносных приемов и суперзакусок Два разных режима игры Странный и забавный сатирический взгляд на поп-культуру Сыгранные вами игры будут не похожи одна на другую Прокатитесь на клевом ховерборде Одобрено радужным единорогом Инструкция по установке: Скачать и установить Steam (если еще не установлен); Зарегистрировать аккаунт на Steam или войти в уже существующий; Перейти в раздел "Мои игры" и выбрать "Активировать через Steam...", ознакомиться и согласиться с соглашением подписчика службы Steam и ввести ключ полученный сразу после оплаты; После активации игра появится в списке игр и вы сможете скачать её со Steam. Процесс установки (скачивания) занимает около 10-60 минут (в зависимости от имеющегося интернет-канала).

29 Руб.

Black Forest (Steam; PC/Mac/Linux; Регион активации все страны)

Black Forest (Steam; PC/Mac/Linux; Регион активации все страны)

Пр-во: Lemuria

Welcome to the dark heart of the Black Forest. Your village was supposed to harvest its bounty, but managed to draw the attention of the unrelenting darkness inhabiting the woods. As the dangers descend upon it, it's your job as the village chief to help the peasants fend off the creatures and make it through the dark night, as the sinister secrets of the woods best left alone awake and focus their attention on you. Black Forest is a city builder like no other. Where other games focus on expansion and development, Black Forest is all about defending what's yours. Strategically assign villagers, gather resources, reinforce defenses, and above all, maintain the delicate balance until the king's knights arrive.Every decision matters, every loss is permanent, and come nightfall, the relentless horde of forest-dwellers will test your ability to govern and survive. Remember: Until the king's knights arrive, you and your villagers are completely on your own. City Building With a Twist: Defend what's yours and survive, balancing the limited resources at your disposal. Make tough choices: Houses can be rebuilt, but people lost cannot be replaced. But maybe you need to sacrifice one of them to save the many? Survive the Struggle, Not Tech Trees: Outlast, not conquer. You can't fight the forest and you can't win by force of arms. Your goal is to lose the least by outsmarting and outthinking the forces arrayed against you, and making hard decisions: What can you lose? What must survive? What part of the tech tree can you do without? Sophisticated AI: Every monster uses a complex set of rules to react to the environment, observing and adapting their behavior. You choose what the villagers work on, while monsters will try to figure out weaknesses and opportunities, then mercilessly pounce on them when you're not looking. Robust Simulation Features: Weather can dramatically alter the course of your game. Rain, snow, or drought aren't just cosmetic effects. Villagers need food, but a dry spell will mean they need to irrigate - but that takes workers away from building defenses. What you decide may very well change the course of the game. A Greater World Beyond: Black Forest is set in the expansive world of Dragon Eye, a high fantasy roleplaying setting available for everyone. The game's campaign will tie into the complex lore and overarching storyline, including decisions and struggles of a world on the edge. © Lemuria and Freedom Games - All Rights Reserved.

2044 Руб.

Beyond the Long Night (Steam; Mac/PC; Регион активации ROW)

Beyond the Long Night (Steam; Mac/PC; Регион активации ROW)

Пр-во: Noisy Head Games

Welcome, explorer. Once more into the long night? A charming twin-stick action roguelike adventure with a heavy emphasis on chaotic combat, cute characters and mystery!Explore the Dark Mountain - a subterranean world full of monsters, secrets, and lovable characters. Puzzle, upgrade and battle your way through three randomly generated areas to outrun a deadly storm and escape to the Overworld beyond. Uncover a trail of mysteries in this ancient kingdom of demigods and explorers, captured within an endless time loop.What treasures await in The Overworld? Is there a way to stop the storm from spreading? Can you escape the endless time loop? All may be revealed beyond the long night.Unleash chaos - Shoot, dodge, throw items and use Superpowers as you battle your way through The Dark Mountain. Acquire, stack and combine powerful upgrades to wreak havoc on your foes! Befriend the mountain folk - Meet a colourful cast of friendly cave dwellers as you journey through the underground. Complete side quests and follow their stories across multiple runs. Survive the deadly storm and discover the mountain’s secrets - Outrun a mysterious corrupting force that chases you through the mountain. Balance your build and time well or suffer the consequences! Learn more about the world each time you play, solve puzzles and uncover the true nature of the Storm as you try to escape The Long Night. Beat the game and unlock devastating new upgrades, opening up fresh ways to play. Features A charming single-player adventure set in a world caught in a time loop. Shoot, dodge, throw items and use Superpowers to fight your way through The Dark Mountain. All upgrades are infinitely stackable and combine with each other to create chaotic combinations. The bunting has physics. Outrun a deadly storm that spreads from chamber to chamber, chasing you up the mountain. A colourful cast of charming characters who remember you between runs. Motivational cows? Discover puzzles and secrets scattered throughout the world. Randomly generated maps built from individually handcrafted rooms. A killer soundtrack inspired by retro chiptune but with a modern twist. Copyright © 2023 Noisy Head Games. Licensed by Yogscast Games

2353 Руб.

Darksburg (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Darksburg (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Пр-во: Shiro Games

Darksburg is a cooperative roguelite action game where you must team up to escape the hordes of Infected that have decided to settle down in the quaint little town of Darksburg.Assume the role of one of the heroic Survivors each with their own unique skills and personalities, power them up with the numerous perks and skills you will come across throughout your runs and defeat the nefarious revenants and legion of undead that have come to plague this formerly peaceful city. Master the arts of cooperative gameplay to survive the relentless hordes of Infected that are terrorising the town of Darksburg. Choose among 3 random perks each time you level up and combine them to create the perfect build. A procedurally generated adventure. The entire city of Darksburg and the loot it contains changes with every run, so no two games are alike. Explore a number of unique zombie infested locales spanning across the entire town with a diverse range of objectives, enemies and items to encounter with each run. (Please note that the Town of Darksburg, it’s official representatives and affiliates are not responsible and shall have no liability for any instance in which visitors are dismembered, turned, eaten or set on fire) (C) 2016 Shiro Games. The Shiro Games name and logo and the Darksburg name and logo are trademarks of Shiro Games and may be registered trademarks in certain countries. All rights reserved.

2848 Руб.

Perfect (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Perfect (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Пр-во: nDreams/Near Light

Notice: Requires one of the following virtual reality headsets: HTC Vive or Oculus Rift. See the VR Support section for more info. Perfect is virtual reality escapism at its purest. Leave behind the daily grind and slip away to beautiful and relaxing locations, made possible through VR. Visit several stunning and interactive destinations, from sun-drenched beaches and peaceful mountains to the spectacular northern lights. Instantly accessible yet endlessly captivating, Perfect is the ideal companion to show off your HTC Vive or Oculus Rift. Breath-taking sights and simple controls make Perfect an ideal way for family and friends to experience the wonders of virtual reality. Discover three idyllic locations - Tropical Beach, Northern Lights and Mountain Wilderness. Choose different times of day and viewing points to find that perfect place for you. Immerse yourself in natural surroundings and find special moments that will make your visit more memorable. Then settle back, relax and listen to music. ©nDreams. nDreams, the nDreams logo and Perfect are either registered trademarks or trademarks of nDreams Ltd. All rights reserved. Unreal, Unreal Engine, the circle-U logo and the Powered by Unreal Engine logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States and elsewhere.

1333 Руб.

Hohokum (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Hohokum (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Пр-во: Annapurna Interactive

Take on the role of a curious flying kite-like being and travel to colorful, curious worlds waiting to be discovered. Interact with characters and environments to uncover secrets or simply roam at your own pace and be amused at the surprises that unfold. While there are goals and activities, at its heart, Hohokum is a playground - a place to wander about and get lost in. An Expansive and Playful Universe with loads of eclectic characters and toys to interact with, like a gigantic playground. Stylized Gameplay Encounters – From diving with sea creatures to soaring with kites, each world has custom goals, activities, interactions and secrets to uncover -- no two places look the same! Captivating Original Artwork – Brought to life from the imaginative artist Richard Hogg, the world of Hohokum is surreal, youthful, and full of color and fun. Entrancing Original Soundtrack – Hohokum features music from various talented artists in collaboration with Ghostly International Records. © 2022 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. Hohokum is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

1284 Руб.

Praetorians (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Praetorians (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Пр-во: Pyro Studios

Praetorians is set amidst the political machinations of an emerging Roman Empire. You will be transported back to the dusty battlefields of Egypt, the combat theaters of Gaul and finally to the heart of the Empire itself, Italy in the crusade to become Emperor. Your quest will not be easy, as the Empire is heavily defended by thousands of different troop types and war machines, all with special skills and individual strengths. The road to becoming Emperor depends on strategy! You must learn to combine your units and exploit the weakness of the enemy, but as you get closer to the Emperor things become even more difficult as you must face his personal guard, the most powerful and deadly fighting force in the Empire - The Praetorian Guard! Key Features: Three different armies: Gauls, Egyptians and the Roman Legions Unique sets of abilities and formations for different unit types and characters Fast-paced action were things can easily go from hectic to wrong

765 Руб.

Journey (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Journey (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Пр-во: Annapurna Interactive

Explore the ancient, mysterious world of Journey as you soar above ruins and glide across sands to discover its secrets. Play alone or in the company of a fellow traveler and explore its vast world together. Featuring stunning visuals and a Grammy-nominated musical score, Journey delivers a breathtaking experience like no other. © 2012-2020 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. Journey is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. Developed by thatgamecompany.Conversion development by Inline Assembly Ltd. Published by Annapurna Interactive.

1892 Руб.

Maquette (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Maquette (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Пр-во: Annapurna Interactive

Maquette is a first-person recursive puzzle game that takes you into a world where every building, plant, and object are simultaneously tiny and staggeringly huge. Maquette makes it possible by twisting the world into itself recursively in an MC Escher-esque fashion. Head to the center of the world and you'll feel like a giant, towering over buildings and walls. But venture further out, and start to feel small as things get larger and larger - to the point where cracks in the ground become chasms. In Maquette you will explore the scales of everyday problems in a modern-day love story. Where sometimes the smallest of issues can become insurmountable obstacles. © 2021 Graceful Decay, LLC. Published by Annapurna Interactive under exclusive license. All rights reserved.

2568 Руб.

Cocoon (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Cocoon (Steam; PC; Регион активации ROW)

Пр-во: Geometric Interactive

From Jeppe Carlsen, the lead gameplay designer of LIMBO and INSIDE — COCOON takes you on an adventure across worlds within worlds. Master world-leaping mechanics to unravel a cosmic mystery. Worlds within Worlds COCOON is a unique take on the puzzle adventure genre, where each world exists within an orb that you can carry on your back. Wrap your head around the core mechanic of leaping between worlds—and combine, manipulate, and rearrange them to solve intricate puzzles. Alien Machinery Interact with alien environments and biomechanical devices left behind by an ancient civilization. Journey through unique and diverse biomes, from industrial structures to massive organic caverns, and discover how they are connected to one another. Orb Abilities Each orb has an ability that can be unlocked, thereby turning the orb into a unique tool for you to utilize within other worlds. Use these abilities to uncover hidden pathways and objects, fire projectiles to trigger switches, and more. Monstrous Guardians Mighty guardians protect every world, and you must face them in fierce battles. Each fight is unique and requires you to master new and satisfying mechanics. © 2023 Created and developed by Geometric Interactive LLC. Published by Annapurna Interactive under exclusive license. All rights reserved.

3135 Руб.

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